Trump Romps in Idaho Caucus: ‘This Is Your Country, and It’s Also Trump Country’

 Donald Trump dominated the Idaho Republican Caucuses Saturday, securing all 32 available delegates in his march to the nomination.

The Associated Press called the race for Trump at 5:00 p.m. MST.

“Today you’re going to send a big signal to the entire world that this is your country, and its also Trump country,” Trump said earlier Saturday in a video message posted to Truth Social.

In addition to Idaho, Trump secured victories Saturday in caucuses in Missouri and Michigan.

After spending the day in North Carolina, Trump gave a victory speech Saturday evening in the battleground state of Virginia, which will join 14 other Super Tuesday states in awarding delegates next week.

Nikki Haley, the lone opponent soldiering on despite Trump’s inevitable victory, is still looking for some semblance of a win against Trump, the man she served as United Nations ambassador. Yet Most Super Tuesday states are winner-take-all, meaning Trump’s delegate total is likely to be insurmountable by that evening.

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