New York Migrant Complains: Not Enough Welfare, Aid

A migrant from the Dominican Republic told reporters that New York’s government is not living up to its promises to help migrants settle in American neighborhoods and to be handed freebies and jobs.

Yaniry Pena spoke through tears to WHEC-TV in a video posted Friday, and blasted officials of New York’s Monroe County for making life much harder than she expected.

According to the report, Pena and her children left their Dominican Republic home and made their way to El Salvador and embarked on a dangerous month and a half trip to the border where they crossed into the U.S.A.

Pena says that she has been traumatized by how she has been treated in New York as she spoke to the news outlet through an interpreter because she speaks no English.

“It’s very traumatic,” the bitter Pena said. “She says it’s been quite traumatic. Everything that has been told to us to come to Monroe County, to Rochester hasn’t been fulfilled.”

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