Donald Trump Says He’s ‘Honored’ to Be GOP Nominee, But ‘Country in Deep Trouble’ with ‘Lunatic’ Joe Biden as POTUS

Former President Donald Trump told Breitbart News exclusively at Mar-a-Lago on Wednesday evening that he is “honored” to be the GOP nominee for president for the third straight presidential election, but he is concerned the United States of America is in “deep trouble,” as the “lunatic” Democrat President Joe Biden is still in charge for the next seven months.

“Number one, I’m honored to be the one representing the great Republican Party,” Trump said in a 90-minute-long exclusive interview at his luxurious seaside resort and club here in southeast Florida. “It’s very important. I thought I would be. I didn’t think it would be this fast. I thought we had some candidates who would be tougher than they were that didn’t do as well as some people thought they would.”

Trump’s Wednesday evening interview with Breitbart News, which covered a number of topics from immigration to trade to tech to China and more, was the first print interview he conducted after formally locking down a majority of GOP delegates to the Republican National Convention on Tuesday of this week. That means Trump will formally become the GOP nominee for president again at the Republican National Convention in Milwaukee, Wisconsin, in July, and is now the presumptive nominee. His massive victories on Super Tuesday and in earlier primary states—he won every contest from the Iowa caucuses to the New Hampshire primary to the Nevada caucuses to the South Carolina and Michigan primaries to the Michigan and Missouri caucuses except for lobbyist-heavy Washington D.C., and every super Tuesday state except the hardcore leftist stronghold of Vermont—knocked out his competitors and cleared the way for an early victory.

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